Friday, December 23, 2011

Seasons of Life

We are approaching a new year. I love new beginnings. Like the seasons of the year, the cycles are ever consistent and there is something special to enjoy in each of the seasons. I lived for several years in Northern California as well as the Outer Banks of North Carolina, and I always missed the sense of the constant changing of seasons.

I notice myself in a new cycle in my life as well. I’m not sure how long this particular season will last or where it will take me. I would call it my season of self-reflection. I have always been a strong introvert and a goal setter. I love to write down my goals and dreams and then work to achieve them. I am happy to say I have completed many of the major goals I have set for myself, whether they were athletic in nature, my education and career goals, or the smaller more personal goals – learning to knit, cooking homemade meals from scratch, gardening for my family, reducing the media exposure in our home.

Unfortunately, despite my many successes, I would say I tend to dream small. I have heard the stories of highly successful people and have read my share of self-help books over the years. And they all recommend you should dream big. But I find I talk myself out of the big dreams with a whole host of reasons why “that would never work!” I appreciate that I am a practical person, but what would happen if I did dream big? What would I dream for?

I’m not talking World Peace here, I’m talking personal goals that have the potential to affect not only the direction of my own life, but also of the lives of everyone who is close to me, including my husband, children, siblings, friends and acquaintances.

What would you dream for if you knew you could not fail? I challenge you to consider this between now and the new-year. I will be.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"What would you dream for if you knew you could not fail?" I emailed you not five minute sago because I missed you. And then I see your blog and then I read this... and now I feel like you were talking right to me. -Kelly