Saturday, January 7, 2012

Week One Public Middle School

We had some ups and downs this week since Sean started public school. Overall, I am feeling more optimistic that Sean's attendance at middle school is a good decision for our family. I reserve the right to change my mind at any time, and to change it back again...

I have to say how much I admire my eleven-year old. Being the new kid, starting in the middle of the year, cannot be an easy thing to do. It takes courage to try something new. He had one moment of wanting to quit, early morning on the third day. There were some tears, but I wouldn't let him quit like that. He pulled himself together and made it to class on time. That evening he was pleased he hadn't quit, and decided he had just been overly tired.

I refrain myself daily from asking too many questions upon his return. He shares, a little at a time. I look at the work he is doing. Much of the math (fractions), and geography (United States), we covered last year. He seems both pleased and disappointed that the work so far has been so easy.

He is covering new material in his language arts - they are discussing plot, character development, climax, etc. And they are learning about metaphor and simile, which I had planned to start in the fall. All good stuff.

He will be taking an art class, and he is liking his keyboarding class more than he expected. He was able to design advertising for an app, something Sean knows a little about.

I have to say, the home is more peaceful without all the arguing (Sean is REALLY good at arguing, I thought that came with being a teenager?), and without all the picking on his sisters. And I have noticed, we all seem to appreciate each other more. I find myself watching the clock to see if it is time for Sean to return yet. And we talk, share, and hug more too. And he and Sita are much nicer to each other. My goodness, they actually played outside together today! In fact, when Sita heard Sean was upset the other morning, she quietly went upstairs to make his bed and clean his room for him.

Yesterday his father called me and with a very serious voice said "I have to tell you about Sean."

Of course I was immediately worried - did something bad happen, was he bullied, did he get into trouble?

"I went to pick him up at the park," his father says, "and he was on the park bench with his books and papers all around him doing his homework."

Stunned silence. Finally I reply, "but it's Friday."

"I know," his father responds, "he asked me to give him a minute so he could finish his homework."

I realize this may be a honeymoon period, and short-lived. But I can't help but to feel like somehow, everything is going to be OK. After all, it's not just what he studies, where or who he studies with. Life teaches us all kinds of lessons, all the time.

I would say I am learning a few lessons too. Such as, don't worry so much. Have faith in my children. Know that we have been good role models, no matter the mistakes we have made along the way. And also that, no matter what we have planned, things will change.

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