Sunday, February 5, 2012

The Power of Gratitude

Sometimes it seems like every day is HARD. Being a mom, we can be pulled in so many directions. What I really want more than anything is a simple life with my family. To slow down, observe my children, sense their needs and help them become the wonderful adults they are destined to be.

I have also learned that to feel joyful, I cannot focus on what is missing in my life, what needs changing or improving, or focus on the past or future. I learn from the past, and I set goals for the future. I have plans for the direction I want my life to take. But I cannot wait until tomorrow to be happy. Today, this moment, is the moment and time to be happy. 

After I wrote this post, I came across an inspiring post from Carrie's Parenting Passageway on gratitude. I love the quote by Steiner she includes, it expresses exactly what I am feeling.

I have been trying to slow down and observe more, be present more, notice more. Instead of feeling pressure about all the things I should be doing, I want to appreciate the life we are living. And to share this feeling with my children, family, friends, and even strangers.

These are some of the wonderful moments I have experienced lately.

Big brother reading and snuggling with sisters.

The sisters enjoying a bubble bath together.

Alina in her own imaginative world of play at home.

A simple family meal together.
We have a verse we say each meal for blessing, but sometimes I surprise them with a "gratitude" moment. I will tell them something I am grateful for. Maybe the extra help I had cleaning up that day, or perhaps something I especially love about each of them. Or maybe our good health, good neighbors, and good friends. I do it for them, but by focusing on what I have here and now, I find more joy in my life.

How do you feel and express gratitude in your life? I would love to hear your thoughts.

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